Terraform: NetScaler Deployment


It’s of great importance to GO-EUC to publish research with reproduceable results. As part of this ongoing effort, an Infrastructure as Code (IAC) repository is maintained. The repository contains out-of-the-box deployments for many common EUC technologies. With that in mind, this post serves as documentation for the NetScaler deployment.

GO-EUC publishes & uses NetScaler deployments with best practice settings. Please mind that best practice is not always “best solution”, especially in the context of research. These settings should assist you in getting a solid out of the box deployment going, that is easily re-deployable. The code is capable of both deployment and configuration. You can find the complete repository here.

NetScaler IaC Contributors

Depoyment capabilities

Deployment Type Supported
Azure Planned
AWS Planned



A NetScaler would be advised.


Administrative credentials for the NetScaler are required.

A .tfvar file

Please find the .tfvar file example here.


A license is required for some deployment types, but freemium is supported. Depending on your license type, you need to edit the .tfvar (see example) boolean value:

base_configuration = ({
  # Deploy advanced features (if licensed with advanced or above only!)
  advanced = true
Deployment Type Supported Advanced Boolean Value
Freemium False
Standard False
Advanced True
Premium True


The goal of the Terraform code’s architecture is to give flexibility and provide a baseline best practice deployment. Your needs can differ if you want to use this code for production deployments, but it should provide a good start if you want to create a custom deployment.


Throughout the code, a .tfvar file will be used. A baseline .tfvar file will be supplied in this article. It’s adviced to use this approach as it makes it easy to create multiple deployments. If you are not familiair with .tfvar files, please review the official terraform documentation.

We want to maintain a proper code base where reproducability is at the core. It needs to be easy to use and edit for the sake of research.

NetScaler Settings

The code deploys best practices out of the box. Please find the tables / documentation below.

NetScaler Modes (Enabled / Disabled)

Mode Default Actual
Fast Ramp
Use Source IP
TCP Buffering
Edge Configuration
Layer 3 Mode
Static Route Advertisement
Intranet Route Advertisement
IPv6 Route Advertisement
Media Classification
Layer 2 Mode
Client side Keep Alive
MAC based forwarding
Use Subnet IP
Path MTU Discovery
Direct Route Advertisement
IPv6 Static Route Advertisement
Bridge BPDUs

Provided Templates

.TFVAR Templates
VSphere (ESXI) Deployment
Hostname / Timezone etc
License Deployment
Service Creation
Service Group Creation
Virtual Server Creation
Gateway Creation
Advanced Authentication Policies
Other Templates
Lets Encrypt Setup (present in module)

.tfvar example

Global Flow Control
# Global deployments settings for deployment logic
terraform_settings = ({
  # Deploy NetScaler to vSphere
  deploy_vsphere = false
  # Deploy NetScaler configuration
  deploy_settings = false
  # Deploy Lets Encrypt on NetScaler
  deploy_letsencrypt = false

# Login Information for the NetScaler to authenticate API calls
logon_information = ({
  host     = "https://yourIP"
  username = "nsroot"
  password = "nsroot"

Optional: Vsphere deployment
# Variables for the NetScaler VM deployment in vSphere
vsphere = ({
  server       = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
  user         = "administrator@vsphere.local"
  password     = "password"
  datacenter   = "Datacenter"
  host         = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
  datastore    = "datastore1"
  network      = "VM Network"
  timezone     = "GMT+02:00-CEST-Europe/Berlin"
  resourcepool = "ResourcePool"

# NetScaler VM Details
vm = ({
  ovf     = "./Resources/OVF/your.ovf"
  network = "VM Network"
  mac     = "00:00:00:aa:bb:cc"
  ip      = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
  gateway = "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
  netmask = ""
  name    = "adc1"

NetScaler configuration only

# Base uncategorized configuration variables
base_configuration = ({
  # NetScaler hostname
  hostname = "GOEUC-ADC-01"
  # Timezone to be set in the NetScaler
  timezone = "GMT+02:00-CEST-Europe/Berlin"
  # Prefix/Suffix for profile names in the NetScaler
  environment_prefix = "GO-EUC"
  # Deploy advanced features (if licensed with advanced or above only!)
  advanced = true


# Automate license deployment
license = ({
  filename = "FID_licensename.lic"
  filecontent = "./Resources/License/FID_licensename.lic"

# NetScaler Default Subnet IP data
base_configuration_snip = ({
  ip_address = ""
  netmask    = ""
  icmp       = "ENABLED"

# All the backend services to be created
servers = {
  srv_storefront01 = {
    hostname   = "srv_storefront01"
    ip_address = ""

  srv_storefront02 = {
    hostname   = "srv_storefront02"
    ip_address = ""

  srv_dc01 = {
    hostname   = "srv_dc01"
    ip_address = ""

  srv_dc02 = {
    hostname   = "srv_dc02"
    ip_address = ""

# all the service groups to be created
service_groups = {
  svcg_storefront = {
    name = "svcg_storefront"
    type = "HTTP"
    port = "80"
    # Define backend servers: Name + port + weight
    servers_to_bind = ["srv_storefront01:80:1", "srv_storefront02:80:2"]
    # Define the virtual servers to bind this service group to:
    virtual_server_bindings = ["lb_storefront"]

  svcg_dc = {
    name = "svcg_ldaps"
    type = "SSL_TCP"
    port = "636"
    # Define backend servers to be included in the servicegroup: Name + port + weight
    servers_to_bind = ["srv_dc01:636:1", "srv_dc02:636:1"]
    # Define the virtual servers to bind this service group to:
    virtual_server_bindings = ["lb_ldaps"]

# All the virtual servers to be created
virtual_servers = {
  #Example server, would still require a certificate / backend
  lb_ldaps = {
    name            = "lb_ldaps"
    servicetype     = "SSL_TCP"
    ipv46           = ""
    port            = "636"
    lbmethod        = "ROUNDROBIN"
    persistencetype = "SOURCEIP"
    timeout         = "180"
    sslprofile      = "ssl_prof_GO-EUC_fe_TLS1213"
    tcpprofilename  = "tcp_prof_GO-EUC"

  lb_storefront = {
    name            = "lb_storefront"
    servicetype     = "HTTP"
    ipv46           = ""
    port            = "80"
    lbmethod        = "ROUNDROBIN"
    persistencetype = "SOURCEIP"
    timeout         = "180"
    sslprofile      = "ssl_prof_GO-EUC_fe_TLS1213"
    httpprofilename = "http_prof_GO-EUC"
    tcpprofilename  = "tcp_prof_GO-EUC"

# The settings for an LDAPS policy/action with global binding
auth_ldaps = {
  action_name        = "act_ldaps"
  policy_name        = "pol_auth_ldaps"
  policy_expression  = "True"
  serverip           = ""
  serverport         = "636"
  sectype            = "SSL"
  authtimeout        = "1"
  ldaploginname      = "username"
  ldapbase           = "dc=go-euc,dc=local"
  ldapbinddn         = "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=go-euc,DC=local"
  ldapbinddnpassword = "Password1!"


gateway = {
  name          = "gw_go-euc"
  servicetype   = "SSL"
  ipv46         = ""
  port          = "443"
  dtls          = "OFF"
  sta           = ""
  storefronturl = "https://storefront.go-euc.local/Citrix/StoreWeb"

Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash